Friday, December 28, 2007

Practice - the other hand clapping

Our theme has been Entreprenuerial Teaching. Entreprenuerial Learning. Entreprenuerial Organizing. Now, I realize the flow should be from teaching to learning to practice.

I wrote in the post "Glitch" about feeling, as solo contributor to this Blog, like "one hand clapping". Now, it occurs to me that we who educate for management are all this proverbial one hand when it comes to having an real impact on the quality of human-organized life.

The "other hand" is practice.

This is the hand our Entrepreneurial Learners got to play. Only they can do this.

Our next job is Entreprenuerial Research. We need to listen carefully for the sounds of impact. This means we have to invent ways to put our "ears" closer to the action. Certainly, to the action-takers, asking them what works, what doesn't, and helping each other figure out what makes the positive difference.

Imagine the sheer fun of teaching (and learning) at the pace and rhythm of both hands clapping out the beat of innovative performance.

Let's make this the beat of OBTC 2008. What do you think?

1 comment:

Jim Spee said...
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