Summoning innovation: Entrprenuerial Teaching. Entreprenuerial Learning. Entreprenuerial Organizing. This is the theme and the opportunity of OBTC '08. Conversations in response to this theme will go on in several orbits. This will be one - a principle local, easily accessible in most senses of this term. This Blog is where ideas can bubble and squeak leading to proposals for OBTC sessions and other events to make those four days next June at Babson College blow the lids off the tops of our teaching and learning minds. The dates are June 11-14. As Program Coordinator, my role is this Fall is to bring together the best ways to use this precious conference time for the innovators in us all. I will moderate this OBTC 08 Blog, posing and fielding questions, seeking, giving, and finding answers. I hope you will make this conversation part of your days leading up to June 11, 2008. - David Fearon.
If you wish to communicate directly, I am; 860 832 3280